Carilion Clinic: April 2008

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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Carilion Franklin Memorial Hospital Volunteers Receive Presidential Service Awards - UPDATED with photos

Volunteers from Carilion Franklin Memorial Hospital’s Emergency Department have been honored for their work as Emergency Department Patient Family Advocate Volunteers.

Ten volunteers have earned prestigious Presidential Service Awards issued by the President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation. The President’s Volunteer Service Award Program was created, “as a way to thank and honor Americans who, by their demonstrated commitment and example, inspire others to engage in volunteer service.” Presidential Service Awards are determined by volunteer age, number of hours served and volunteering at a certified organization.

Emergency Department Patient Family Advocates dedicate their time to assisting patients and families during often stressful emergency room visits. Since its inception in February 2007 Carilion Franklin Memorial’s Patient Family Advocate Volunteers have logged over 4,500 hours of service. Volunteers include students of Franklin County High School’s Volunteer Public Service Program, the Ferrum College Bonner Scholar and Health Sciences Program and the general public.

Presidential Service Award Recipients

  • Shanita Bennett, Ferrum College Bonner Scholar Program/Health Sciences Intern, SilverAward
  • Kimberly Donahue, Franklin County High School Volunteer Public Service Program,
  • Bronze Award
  • Ellen Hackett, Franklin County, Bronze Award
  • William Hackett, Franklin County, Bronze Award
  • Barbara Hutson, Franklin County, Silver Award
  • Jacob Ingram, Franklin County, Gold Award
  • Christina Ritter, Ferrum College Health Sciences Program, Silver Award
  • Janice Ruhlen, Franklin County, Bronze Award
  • Timothy Shipe, Ferrum College Bonner Scholar Program, Bronze Award
  • Emma Williams, Ferrum College, Bronze Award

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

UPDATE - Roanoke Athletic Club's Parisi Speed School - How it Works, What it Does

UPDATE- UVA's Chris Long picked 2nd in NFL Draft - Goes to the Rams - Trained for the 2008 Scouting Combine with Parisi. Click one of the pictures below to read the story in the New Jersey Star-Ledger

WDBJ's Natasha Ryan recently visited Parisi's Roanoke Location (Parisi is powered by, and located next to the Roanoke Athletic Club) and put together an excellent story about the Parisi training system. Click below to watch.

Bill Parisi, the founder, was recently featured on ESPN-2. The 7 minute clip is a great synopsis and demonstration of what the Parisi training strategy does to improve athletic performance.

Click below to watch it. Media folks - if you're interested we can arrange a similar demo for you at the local Prarisi facility - Email me.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Virginia Lawmakers Approve Bond Bill That will Fund Construction of Virginia Tech - Carilion Medical School-

Wednesday afternoon the House of Delegates and Senate unanimously approved a $1.4 billion package that included $59 million for construction of the Virginia Tech - Carilion School of Medicine.

Carilion's statement regarding the bill:

"We're pleased that the bond package passed, and very grateful to the legislature, our local legislators and Governor Kaine for their support of this project. It will allow the school to get off to a "running start" without the burden of construction debt. The school will be able to devote its resources to the mission of educating new physicians. It is also an excellent investment for the Commonwealth. The region will see a return on that investment in several ways:
  • It will support the ongoing research and education initiative of Carilion Clinic
  • Some of the new physicians will choose to stay in the area to practice
  • The Medical School and adjoining research facility will generate additional economic activity
  • Patients will benefit by the influx of new physicians who will come here to be a part of this endeavor (something we're already seeing)
  • The research that takes place here will eventually improve the lives of many
  • We will have a stronger connection with Virginia Tech here in the Roanoke Valley
We look forward to breaking ground on the new facility later this summer."

Click the photo above to read coverage from the Richmond Times Dispatch, click below to view coverage from the Roanoke Times and WSET-TV

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

UPDATE -Media Coverage: American Heart Association Recommends Tests Before Putting Children on ADHD Medication - Comments From Carilion Clinic

The American Heart Association stated Tuesday that children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) should have heart tests before they are treated with stimulant drugs such as Ritalin. Click below to view coverage by WSLS-TV and the Roanoke Times... both include comments from Carilion Clinic physicians.

The AHA statement said:

• The side effects of stimulant drugs, like those used to treat ADHD are usually insignificant, but are important to monitor for children with ADHD and certain heart conditions.
• Children diagnosed with ADHD should receive an electrocardiogram (ECG) to rule out heart abnormalities before beginning treatment with stimulant drugs.
• Children currently taking stimulant drugs who did not have an ECG prior to treatment should get an ECG.

Read the entire news release here.

Carilion Clinic Pediatric Cardiologist William Gay, MD, and Chair of Pediatrics Alice Ackerman, MD say children who are currently taking medication should not stop without talking to their doctor. Click here to listen to an excerpt of their conversation.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ross A. Alameddine
Christopher James Bishop
Brian Roy Bluhm
Ryan Christopher Clark
Austin Michelle Cloyd
Jocelyne Couture-Nowak
Kevin P. Granata
Matthew Gregory Gwaltney
Caitlin Millar Hammaren
Jeremy Michael Herbstritt
Rachael Elizabeth Hill
Emily Jane Hilscher
Jarrett Lee Lane
Matthew Joseph La Porte
Henry J. Lee
Liviu Librescu
G.V. Loganathan
Partahi Mamora Halomoan Lumbantoruan
Lauren Ashley McCain
Daniel Patrick O'Neil
Juan Ramon Ortiz-Ortiz
Minal Hiralal Panchal
Daniel Alejandro Perez
Erin Nicole Peterson
Michael Steven Pohle, Jr.
Julia Kathleen Pryde
Mary Karen Read
Reema Joseph Samaha
Waleed Mohamed Shaalan
Leslie Geraldine Sherman
Maxine Shelly Turner
Nicole Regina White

Friday, April 11, 2008

Update - Carilion Breaks Ground for new Carilion Giles Community Hospital - media coverage

Carilion Clinic broke ground for a new hospital in Giles County on April 11th. (Click on the rendering below for a high resolution image) Hospital Administrator James Tyler joined Carilion Clinic President and CEO Ed Murphy, MD, Carilion Clinic Board Chairman James Hartley, Congressman Rick Boucher and a host of community supporters to ceremonially toss the first shovels of earth.
"This is an incredible thing for our community," Tyler said. "A hospital brings so much benefit, economic and health-related. The outstanding staff of this hospital and the people of this region have supported each other for so many years, its wonderful that we will have a facility to be proud of for generations to come."
In addition to the groundbreaking, hospital officials unveiled a new name for the new facility - Carilion Giles Community Hospital, to underscore its commitment of services to the community, and the community's support.
Site preparation on the former Dogwood Farm Propert, is already underway to prepare for construction of the $50 million, 85,000 square-foot hospital. The new facility is 25,ooo square feet larger than the existing hospital, and will have room for additional services, including stereo-tactic breast biopsy, nuclear medicine, and rotating specialists.
The new hospital will be finished in 2 years, the spring of 2010. Once it is complete, hospital staff will spend several months training in the facility and becoming familiar with new equipment before patients are moved.
Click the thumbnails below to see larger pictures of the event, and a map of the new hospital's approximate location ( a new access road will be built to accommodate the facility - hospital traffic will NOT be routed through the existing neighborhoods)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Media Advisory - "Carfit" event scheduled for Tuesday - Experts will give older drivers (50+) a free evaluation of how safely they "fit" their vehicle



WHAT: Come witness the launch of this first-of-its-kind program that could make a lifesaving difference to both older drivers and their loved ones. Developed through collaboration among the American Society on Aging, AAA, AARP and the American Occupational Therapy Association, CarFit is the first program to offer older adults the opportunity to check how their personal cars “fit” them.

Trained professionals will lead older drivers through a 12-point checklist with their vehicle, recommend car adjustments and adaptations and offer community specific resources and activities that could make their cars “fit” better or enhance their safety. An occupational therapist also will be on hand to provide information to older drivers on how to maintain and strengthen driving health.

Reporters will be able to interview mobility experts, older drivers, and shoot footage of this event.

WHY: People over 65 are the fastest-growing population in the United States. By 2030, one in five drivers will be age 65 or older, which means there will be more than 30 million older drivers on our roads. Because of their fragility, seniors have the highest crash death rate per mile of everyone except teenagers.

WHO: Carilion Clinic, Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital Occupational Therapy Department

WHEN: Tuesday, April 8, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.

WHERE: Our Lady of Nazareth Church, 2525 Electric Road, Roanoke

CONTACT: Christine Mangone, 981-7924

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Thomas McNamara, DO, Takes The Helm at Carilion Stonewall Jackson Hospital

Dr. McNamara is the first physician to serve as President/CEO of CSJH

LEXINGTON, Va. (April 1, 2008) Thomas McNamara, DO, a family physician serving the Shenandoah Valley region for more than 15 years, has been named President and CEO of Carilion Stonewall Jackson Hospital (CSJH). He replaces Steve Arner, who has been appointed Vice President of Cardiac and Vascular Services for Carilion Clinic, CSJH’s parent organization.

McNamara joined Carilion Family Medicine, Associated Physicians in Waynesboro in 1992, serving as regional Medical Director for the Carilion Medical Group. In addition to his medical degree from the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, McNamara holds a BA in economics from Columbia University, and a Masters degree in Medical Management (MMM) from Carnegie Mellon University.

“It’s not easy to pull yourself off the front lines of medicine in mid-career”, McNamara says. “But I like looking at the big picture, and medicine is facing major challenges. It is important for physicians to take a leadership role and work toward solutions that are in the best interests of our patients and communities.”

McNamara believes CSJH is well-positioned to move in that direction. His association with the hospital dates back to 1992, when he worked part-time in the Emergency Department of the old Stonewall Jackson Hospital facility.

“The hospital has made impressive advancements since those days”, McNamara says. “I’m pleased to be working with people who are so committed to their patients. We will continue working together to focus on our core services. I want our community to know that they will receive the highest quality OB, orthopedic, surgical, pediatric and general medical care right here at home.”

McNamara believes his years of experience in family medicine will be helpful in the hospital’s ongoing relationship with the region’s physicians.

“I look at the hospital as a resource for physicians, not a rival,” McNamara says. “A patient’s primary care physician should be their medical ‘home’. The hospital is here to support those physicians, working with them in the patient’s best interest.”

McNamara is used to being in the middle of things. He played center on the Columbia University football team during all four undergraduate years. It was football that actually led him to first consider a career in osteopathic medicine, when a DO successfully treated a nagging shoulder injury.

“I was interested in how he worked, and impressed with how much the treatment helped me. It made me think about a career in family medicine as an Osteopath,” he says.

McNamara’s first day on the job is April 1, 2008. Though he will leave the Carilion Family Medicine practice in Waynesboro, Dr. McNamara hopes to continue seeing patients on a limited basis. He plans to work some weekend and off-hour shifts as a Hospitalist at CSJH, hoping to keep his focus on patient care, from the President’s office all the way to the bedside.