A review of the numbers revealed that Carilion Clinic did unofficially break the current Guinness World Record for most blood pressures taken in a 24-hour period, but by a smaller margin than originally thought. The confirmed number of blood pressures recorded during last week's event is 2,329, beating the old record (set in March) of 2302. We are submitting our documentation to Guinness for review.
As we reviewed the numbers, some other interesting statistics emerged. 30% of the people tested had high readings (above 140/90). That matches the national average pretty well. According to the American Heart Association, 1 in three Americans have high blood pressure. The AHA also says that 71.8 % of people with high blood pressure know they have it. In our group, only 53% of people with high readings had been previously told they have high blood pressure. 47% were unaware.
Another area of concern - 537 people tested during the event said they were taking medication for high blood pressure, but half of them still had high readings (above 140/90).
The take home message - know your numbers - even if you're taking medication for high blood pressure, have it checked regularly and if your numbers are too high, see your doctor!