Carilion Clinic: October 2008

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Carilion New River Valley Medical Center participates in Full Scale Disaster Exercise with Radford City and Radford University

CNRV joined the City of Radford and Radford University in a full scale disaster exercise aimed at testing the region's ability to respond to a large scale incident with multiple victims.

The simulated chemical spill involved several Radford University students posing as victims, complete with make-up to simulate injuries.

CNRV received 27 simulated patients, and set up a hazardous materials decontamination tent outside the hospital Emergency Department.

Photographs at right from top to bottom: hospital staff set up the decontamination tent outside the Emergency Department; RU students posing as victims walk to the cafeteria after the exercise; CNRV P.R. representatives Debbie Sydnor and Tanya Ferraro staff the media area outside the hospital.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Virginia Tech and Carilion Clinic Join Governor Tim Kaine to Break Ground for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute

More than 300 people, representing Carilion Clinic, Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute and Roanoke Community leaders gathered on the parking lot between the Carilion Clinic outpatient facility and the future home of VTC to ceremonially break ground.

The project itself is already underway as bulldozers worked in the background, preparing the site for the building, which will greet the first class of medical students in the fall of 2010.

Click below to watch the groundbreaking, and hear the comments from founding Dean Cynda Johnson, MD, Carilion President and CEO Ed Murphy, MD and Governor Tim Kaine.

Media Advisory - Groundbreaking for Virginia Tech Carilion Medical School and Research Institute Today - 2:30 p.m.

The official groundbreaking for the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine and Research Institute will take place today (Wednesday - October 15) at 2:30 p.m.

Featured speakers include Governor Tim Kaine, Virginia Tech President Charles Steger and Carilion President Dr. Ed Murphy.

The speakers and audience will be under a large tent. A mult-box will be provided for audio.

For background information, details of state funding for construction of the school and research institute, click here.

For more information about the medical school itself, click here.

Here is a direct link to a fact sheet.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

First Look Inside Carilion Clinic Outpatient Facility

If you've been following the construction of the Carilion Clinic outpatient facility at the corner of Jefferson and Reserve Avenue, you've seen the progress on the outside - here's a look at what's going on inside.

Drywall finishing and painting is already underway on the lower floors.

This is the scene on the top floor, where the metal studs are up and ready for drywall.

Here's a second floor reception desk/nurses's station

Large windows along the exterior hallways provide great views of the Riverside Center and Carilion's medical campus.

Monday, October 6, 2008

New, expanded Gift Shop open at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

CRMH opened a new expanded gift shop on the first floor this morning. The entrance is right between the two main entrances, off the glass lobby. The shop moved into the space formerly occupied by the first floor food court (which moved to new, expanded space on the 4th floor). It will be more of a "one stop" shop for visitors, patients and employees.
Here are some highlights:
At left is a view of one side of the shop from the back, looking toward the front entrance. The shop is too big to capture with just one photograph.

Here's the pink ribbon, breast cancer
awareness corner

And of course the Hokie corner. Hopefully in a couple of years we'll be able to add a new line of Virginia Tech Carilion Medical School sweatshirts to the lineup!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pink Parade 2008!

Fantastic, colorful and enthusiastic turnout at the 2008 Positively Pink Parade at Valley View Mall on September 27th. Proceeds from the event went to support the Every Woman's Life program, providing free mammograms to women in need.
Thanks to all who participated!

Photo Gallery
(click to view larger picture)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Construction Continues on New Carilion Giles Community Hospital

Work continues on the new Carilion Giles Community Hospital.
Check out the progress reports and a photo gallery by clicking on the picture or going to: