Carilion Clinic: New, expanded Gift Shop open at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

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Monday, October 6, 2008

New, expanded Gift Shop open at Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital

CRMH opened a new expanded gift shop on the first floor this morning. The entrance is right between the two main entrances, off the glass lobby. The shop moved into the space formerly occupied by the first floor food court (which moved to new, expanded space on the 4th floor). It will be more of a "one stop" shop for visitors, patients and employees.
Here are some highlights:
At left is a view of one side of the shop from the back, looking toward the front entrance. The shop is too big to capture with just one photograph.

Here's the pink ribbon, breast cancer
awareness corner

And of course the Hokie corner. Hopefully in a couple of years we'll be able to add a new line of Virginia Tech Carilion Medical School sweatshirts to the lineup!