Carilion Clinic: Carilion, Roanoke Mentioned in USA Today Article About Places That Still Have Stable Economies

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Carilion, Roanoke Mentioned in USA Today Article About Places That Still Have Stable Economies

Great coverage for Roanoke and Carilion in the February 25th issue of USA Today. The article, "In Arkansas and elsewhere, economy stable" focused on that state as an example of Midwest and Southern areas that are faring better better than others in the current economy,, Roanoke and Carilion were mentioned in this three paragraph section:

• In Roanoke, Va., a city of 93,000, the largest employer is Carilion Clinic, a health care company of more than 10,000 workers. Mortgage delinquencies are below the national average.

"We're kind of a steady player," says Beth Doughty, executive director of the Roanoke Regional Partnership. "We don't have dramatic ups and, consequently, don't have any dramatic lows."

A $60 million art museum just opened, and Carilion is building a medical school with Virginia Tech, whose main campus is in nearby Blacksburg. "The only sectors adding jobs are health care and education," Doughty says, "and we're strong in both."

Thanks to Beth Doughty for mentioning Carilion, and for representing the Roanoke region in the article.